05 January, 2007

January 5--Think mud, think slush!

This is not January in Vermont! Does this look like January in Vermont? No, it does not, but sadly it is this January in Vermont.

This is a picture of our Christmas lights and a wreath reflected in a mud puddle in my driveway.

It rained today again, melting the little snow we do have. So grey, so warm, so not winter!


Kathy in WA said...

This is a great picture! I love the composition. Glad you explained it so I could know exactly what we are looking at. Ha! Sorry you are having such warm weather. Reminds me of the Bing Crosby movie, White Christmas. "Should be nice in Vermont this time of year, all that snow." Have you seen it?

Cynthia said...

I love the reflections in this photo. I remember seeing it before, but didn't take time to comment when I first saw it.