09 September, 2010

So, I felt I needed a post..leaves changing, cool, rainy, grey day. Not my favorite sort of thing. Not at all. Hopes for a sunny winter, and good snow. Not ready for the wood fires yet and all of that mess. Fortunately the summer was warm and sunny most of all. Sun makes up for a lot that is less than ideal, and a warm summer makes the beginning of fall easier to consider (not that fall cares much what I think).
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Cynthia said...

I see you've had quite a few posts in Sept! I'm pretty slow about updating my blog and ever more slow about getting around to read others' blogs these days...

Cynthia said...

I see you had quite a few posts back in September. I'm just now getting around to reading some blogs... so little time these days. Good to see you are still blogging :)