Thanksgiving in snippets....6 pies for 7 people…one turkey for one sandwich…"that's nuts," he says, "your mom is making a whole turkey for one sandwich?".....discussion--Elijah & Christmas eve dinner in Poland & why American Christian culture does not have a holiday where an empty place is set at the table...(we are basically a selfish, unwelcoming culture)...sometimes more about who is gone than who is there..dead relatives whisper, clustering in shadows and corners...take pictures…Aunt Midgie's creamed onions, (her Baltimore neighbors were John Waters and Divine)...Jean's last Thanksgiving not too many years ago...what were we thinking with all these pies?...gotta get a picture…"You've never heard of Lady Gaga??!!"..."don't even ask, 'who is Divine?'" pc passé?...big argument over that one: does anyone care anymore?--Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah...Diwali, Kwanzaa, Eid--or do we still have to say nothing or Happy Holidays?......"coffee anyone?"
....maybe we rethink the pies next year...
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