01 April, 2008

Easter egg! Here is a sugar egg my son made in his culinary class. It even has a rose inside. You can see that a little in the picture taken from above.
His class made all of the flowers and the egg forms.


Laura said...

Quite impressive and lovely!

Unknown said...

Wow! I'm VERY impressed! Very beautiful!

Someone made me sugar eggs a few years when I was a little girl. They lived on my shelf for quite a number of years. It's a wonder we didn't have ants!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

I am VERY impressed.

Amy said...


Stephanie said...

I started scrolling through your posts for a quick read until I could come back later and actually read, but I saw these photos and they stopped me in my scrolling tracks! This is amazing! The roses are gorgeous, and I'm just thoroughly impressed. WOW!

Stephanie in OH (SHS)

Cynthia said...