07 July, 2006

You can only come to the morning through the shadows."--JRR Tolkien

When it is dark in the valleys and hollows there is still light at our farm. Often on a late summer evening I have returned home from visiting someone in a place where darkness had fallen only to find it was still light on my hilltop. Even so, the sun soon sinks behind the far hills and darkness falls.
Eventually darkness falls everywhere, and in the morning the dawn comes again.
There are some places people can go that take them all in a few moments from darkness to light.
Those are the places we should cultivate; those are the places we should remember when darkness falls in our lives, for it is the memory of that light, and the faith that it will be light again that brings us through dark places and difficult times.
These are the thoughts behind the name Shadows End.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

I'm not sure how I missed this blog entry! I'm glad I went all the way back to see the reason behind the name! I LOVE IT! Sometime I may get the courage to post the why behind our blog title.. Life Is Good...