01 October, 2009

red leaf


like a grasping hand
but the dead and dying
do not grasp
it is we
who leave them behind

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So, many months have passed since my last post. Before those months become a year and snow is on the ground again I must update, so here it is. During those months there were......



Ski races......

At the finish

Waiting around after run...a beautiful warm day

Pattern in son's coffee cup the day he went back to college...

A bus trip 2/3 of the way across the country and back......

A birthday......


Spring flowers.....

Rain and mist with intermittent sun.....

College graduation....


Are you my mommy?
Memorial Day......


More sunsets--one every day!--and clouds....

Another birthday....

One score

A friend's baby chicks...

Another birthday....

Four score and ten

Rain, lots of rain....

Faint summer rainbow, one of only a few...

A sheep on the mend...

Shadows End Flora
Grass to rake...

TJ (photo by E)

Last flowers of the year.....

And now we are here.....

Colours and rain, 
sort of like the proverbial diamonds and rust...
And so the months passed
Many more rainbows than rain.
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